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At the end of the Federative Caravan, IBGE had assisted more than 60 municipalities

Section: IBGE | Felipe Prestes

October 20, 2023 07h00 PM | Last Updated: October 25, 2023 11h57 AM

The IBGE ended its participation in the Federative Caravan - Rio Grande do Sul, having assisted more than 60 municipalities, including mayors, vice-mayors, secretaries and other managers, clering doubts on the Institute's surveys. The event, which took place on October 19th and 20th, at the FIERGS Events Center, in Porto Alegre, fostered institutional sharing between federal, state and municipal governments.

At its stand, IBGE had a totem showing data from municipalities, on platforms such as Cities@, SIDRA and the 2022 Census Panorama. Managers also received a kit with informative materials about IBGE and its surveys and services, including surveys with municipal data, such as the Municipal Agricultural Production (PAM), Municipal Livestock Production (PPM) and GDP of the Municipalities.

The president of CONAB, Edegar Pretto, received a kit with information from IBGE surveys - Photo: Felipe Prestes
FUNAI's regional coordinator, Maria Inês de Freitas, congratulated the Institute for carrying out the 2022 Census on Indigenous lands - Photo: Felipe Prestes
Federal deputy Reginete Bispo was interested in disseminating IBGE information in Quilombola territories in RS - Photo: Felipe Prestes
The Secretary of Federative Affairs of the Federal Government, André Ceciliano, tried the chimarrão, alongside the superintendent of IBGE in RS, José Renato Braga de Almeida (on the left) and the general coordinator of the Center for Documentation and Information Dissemination, Daniel Castro (right) - Photo: Felipe Prestes

In addition to the mayors, IBGE also received on Thursday (19) authorities such as the chief minister of the Social Communication Secretariat (Secom) of the Presidency of the Republic, Paulo Pimenta; and the Secretary of Federative Affairs, André Ceciliano. Representatives from other institutions, such as Correios and SESI, were also present at the Institute's stand.

On Friday (20), IBGE's stand was visited by the president of the National Supply Company (CONAB), Edegar Pretto; the regional coordinator of FUNAI, Maria Inês de Freitas, the first Indigenous woman to hold the position; federal deputy Reginete Bispo and the chief of staff of the National Secretariat for Civil Protection and Defense, Wesley de Almeida Felinto.

As a panelist at the event, Mr. Felinto spoke to mayors affected by the floods that hit Rio Grande do Sul about how to get resources for the reconstruction of affected areas. At the IBGE stand, the technical coordinator of the Census in RS, Cláudio Sant'anna, showed Mr. Felinto how to access the coordinates captured by the IBGE in all the households of the country in the 2022 Census. “With this information, now, in the reconstruction phase, especially of housing units, we can estimate many units were destroyed in those A or B areas, or neighborhoods. Thus, we are going to cross-check information so that we can assist the exact affected population in this reconstruction phase”, stated the chief of staff of the National Secretariat for Civil Protection and Defense.

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