Enrollment open for course of Sidra, the platform to view IBGE data
July 23, 2021 10h00 AM | Last Updated: July 27, 2021 11h23 AM
Enrollment for the 2021 class of the online course on the IBGE System of Automatic Recovery - Sidra is open. Sidra is the interactive platform to visualize the data of the surveys produced by the IBGE. Available in the IBGE Virtual School, the course is free and aims at public servants, scholars and researchers, though it is open to any person interested, like journalists, economists and the public in general. Seats are not limited and enrollment can be made until the end of the year.
Developed by the National School of Statistical Sciences - Ence in partnership with the IBGE´s Center for Information Documentation and Dissemination - CDDI, the course aims at training users to consult information like unemployment rate, inflation, gross domestic product - GDP and population, as well as at creating thematic rankings and producing graphs, maps and cartograms from these data.
This initiative is in line with the IBGE´s institutional goals of strengthening knowledge dissemination, fostering the academic research and extension integrated with the institutional production and broadening dissemination and communication with users and society.
“The objective of the course is to help IBGE to disseminate information, since the data are on the platform. The course is helping people to use the tool and consult results of different surveys carried out by the IBGE,” says Hugo Sousa Campos, Ence´s analyst in educational design.
At the end of the course, those who obtain a grade equal to or higher than 7.0 in the final examination will be certified by Ence. Program content involves tutorial videos teaching how each survey is made and how to design tables, charts, extract data and build rankings. The exercises are based on posts in the IBGE´s social media and on news stories using IBGE data. The videos are hosted on YouTube since last year, improving the experience of the students.
“The exercises are challenges based on posts in social media and on news stories, so that students understand that those data are used by society. All this to make it more tangible and closer to the student´s reality. We recommend that they have at least secondary education in order to understand concepts of time, territory and variable,” says Campos.
Course had already nearly seven thousand enrolled since 2018
He explains that there was not any distance learning version for Sidra up to 2018, and expert servants in each state trained interested students in the state units or were invited to universities and schools.
As of November 2018, the IBGE provides the course for servants and had 432 servants enrolled in a single class. In 2019, the course was opened to the society with quarterly classes, receiving 4,410 enrollments. Last year, the virtual school platform changed to an up-to-date version of the Virtual Learning Environment, thus allowing people to enroll by themselves. The platform registered 2,145 enrollments.
“The analysis of the classes since 2018 unveiled that servants from a number of offices enrolled, like the Ministry of Economy, Caixa Econômica, regulatory agencies, Public Defender, INSS, Embrapa and Oswaldo Cruz Foundation, as well as from newspapers like Folha de São Paulo and BBC,” highlights Campos.