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IBGE and ABDI launch Semiannual Survey of Innovation

Section: IBGE

April 08, 2021 11h00 AM | Last Updated: December 15, 2022 03h55 PM

The IBGE and the Brazilian Agency for Industrial Development launch the Semiannual Survey of Innovation - Semiannual Pintec in a webinar on Thursday (8) at 4:30 PM. The survey aims at portraying innovation in Brazil by raising information concerning the corporate investment in Science, Technology and Innovation in the country.

When released, the data will subsidize the implementation, improvement and monitoring of public policies and strategies of enterprises. Seven surveys will be carried out in 50 months of work, time span of the Technical Cooperation Agreement signed by the President of the IBGE, Susana Cordeiro Guerra, and the President of the ABDI, Igor Calvet.

The Semiannual Pintec will complement the data of the Survey of Innovation - Pintec, which is broadly carried out by the IBGE every three years since 2000. It is expected that enterprises installed in the Brazilian territory, of any industrial segment, that have 100 or more employees be the target of the Semiannual sample. The survey also aims at portraying ongoing phenomena, like  digital transformation and the use of technologies associated with the concept of Industry 4.0.

Semiannual edition of Pintec will pinpoint the effects of innovation in enterprises in the short term - Photo: Andreas Bauer

For Susana Cordeiro Guerra, President of the IBGE, the partnership between the IBGE and ABDI is a strategic initiative to improve the production of data on innovation in the Brazilian enterprises.

"The Semiannual Pintec is fully inserted in the IBGE´s modernization agenda, whose one of the main building blocks is the strengthening of the sampling surveys carried out by the IBGE with higher timeliness and economicity. It will be a statistical survey aimed at the creation of a new generation of statistics and indicators on innovation. Innovation is one of the major leverages to increase the competitiveness of enterprises. Therefore, the Semiannual Pintec will pinpoint the short-term effects on innovation, as well as the inclusion of emerging subjects, like the effect of the pandemic or digital transformation in enterprises," notes Guerra.

For Igor Calvet, President of the ABDI, the survey will fill an important gap, existing today in Brazil, of information and indicators that show the technological degree of the national productive sector.

"Our aim is to release relevant and reliable statistical information, on a Semiannual basis, that shows trends and, at the same time, measure innovation in the national productive sector." Calvet also highlights that the survey will help the government and private sector to quickly map the short-term effects of the investments made in innovation. The initiative should be a new source of subsidies to the design, implementation and monitoring of public policies and corporate strategies.

The IBGE will be in charge of the field work and data analysis. It will also establish the sampling plan, design the questionnaire and the metadata of the survey, as well as train the survey agents and supervisors. The ABDI will fund part of the project and follow up the work. Both entities will jointly develop the survey plan and establish the methodologies that will be applied.

The IBGE and ABDI will establish the strategies to disseminate the results and carry out the communication actions to release the instrument and its results.

About the ABDI

The Brazilian Agency for Industrial Development - ABDI helps the national productive sector to increase the productivity, competitiveness and profitability. By carrying out its programs and services, the ABDI effectively contributes to the economic development. In recent years, the agency has fostered digital transformation, new business models and use of technologies in smart cities. The result of the work performed by the ABDI, as an inducer of 4.0 technologies in industry, has warned important international players. Recently, the World Economic Forum invited the ABDI to host the Advanced Manufacturing Hub in Brazil. The ABDI fosters digital culture in the national economy, produces competitive intelligence and it is responsible for the articulation of public and private agents, always focusing on the development of the Brazilian productive sector.

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