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Retail sales grow 1.1% in September, first increase in five months

Section: Economic Statistics | Irene Gomes

November 09, 2022 09h00 AM | Last Updated: November 10, 2022 05h39 PM

#PraCego Ver A foto mostra o interior de um supermercado, com pessoas empurrando carrinhos de compras no corredor.
Hypermarkets and supermarkets (1.2%) and Fuels and lubricants (1.3%) influenced growth in retail sales - Photo: Helena Pontes/Agência IBGE Notícias

The volume of retail sales in the country grew 1.1% from August to September, the first growth in five months. In comparison with September 2021, there was an increase of 3.2%. In the year, the sector accumulated an increase of 0.8%, and, in the last 12 months, a decrease of 0.7%. The data are from the Monthly Survey of Trade (PMC).

In the extended retail trade, which includes the activities of vehicles, motorcycles, parts and pieces and construction material, the volume of sales in September grew 1.5% compared to August and 1.0% compared to September 2021.
“Since May, trade has not shown growth, remaining stable or in the negative field. This month also recorded the highest point since the transition from February to March, when it was 1.4%. This year, the series is showing less volatility than in previous years and we are starting to see a behavior more similar to that before the pandemic, without much amplitude at the margin”, evaluates Cristiano Santos, manager of the survey.

In the result of September against August, six of the eight activities surveyed were in the positive field: Books, newspapers, magazines and stationery (2.5%), Office, IT and communication equipment and supplies (1.7%), Fuels and lubricants (1.3%), Hypermarkets, supermarkets, food products, beverages and tobacco (1.2%), Textiles, clothing and footwear (0.7%) and Pharmaceutical, medical, orthopedic articles and perfumery (0.6 %).

Two activities had decrease in volume: Furniture and Household Appliances (-0.1%) and Other personal and household articles (-1.0%).

In extended retail, the two activities remained stable in the comparison between September and August: Vehicles and motorcycles, parts and pieces with -0.1% and Construction material, with 0.0%.

“Two activities drove the increase on the margin: Hypermarkets, supermarkets, food products, beverages and tobacco, which has the greatest weight and plays the role of anchor in the result, and, secondly, Fuels and lubricants. They also had an influence on extended retail, since their two complementary activities remained stable”, explains the manager.

Mr. Santos also highlights that the activity of Fuels and lubricants is being influenced by the drop in prices, which made the activity grow in volume. “This is a scenario that has persisted in the last 3 months, with a drop in nominal revenue of 4.4% in July, 3.8% in August and 6.2% now in September. But volume growth has been slowing down, it had been 12.6% in July, 3.8% in August and now 1.3%.” Hyper and supermarkets, which lost steam in recent months, returned to growth after three months without registering progress.

In terms of level, the result for September is 3.6% below the record level of October 2020 and 2.8% above the pre-pandemic level (February 2020). Extended retail is 1.5% lower than in February 2020.

“In sectoral terms, few activities are above the pre-pandemic level. Counting in extended retail, of the ten activities, only four are above the pre-pandemic level: Pharmaceutical items (20.8%), Lubricating fuels (18.7%), Hyper and supermarkets (3.8%) and Material construction (2.0%)”, adds Santos.

Trade grows year on year, second month of high

The PMC released today also shows that, compared to September 2021, retail trade grew by 3.2%, the second consecutive month of increase.

“In August, growth had been 1.6%, coming after a few months of decline, which reflected the very strong growth in the first half of 2021. Last year, the first half was of growth and the second of decline, which reflected, in 2022, in falls until July and, now, growth”, explains Mr. Santos.

Five activities had a rise: Fuels and lubricants (34.8%), Books, newspapers, magazines and stationery (31.8%), Office, IT and communication equipment and supplies (6.8%), Pharmaceutical, medical, orthopedic articles and toiletries (5.9%) and Hyper, supermarkets, food products, beverages and tobacco (3.8%).

The three sectors that fell in the interannual comparison were Other personal and household articles (-10.0%), Textiles, apparel and footwear (-9.5%), Furniture and household appliances (-5.9%).

In the extended retail scope, both activities fell: Vehicles and motorcycles, parts and pieces (-1.2%) and Construction material (-7.9%).

Retail sales grow in 18 Federation Units between August and September

From July to August, 18 Federation Units had an increase, especially Paraíba (4.5%), Rio de Janeiro (3.1%) and Pernambuco (2.3%). On the other hand, among the nine activities that exerted negative pressure, the highlights were Mato Grosso do Sul (-1.7%), Espírito Santo (-1.5%) and Roraima (-1.2%). Tocantins showed stability (0.0%).

Compared to September 2021, there were positive results in 24 states, especially: Paraíba (41.6%), Amapá (13.7%) and Roraima (13.2%). On the other hand, pressing negatively are: Rio de Janeiro (-3.1%), Bahia (-2.5%) and Pernambuco (-2.1%).

More about the survey

The PMC produces indicators that allow monitoring the short-term behavior of the retail trade in the country, investigating the gross resale revenue in formally constituted companies, with 20 or more employed persons, and whose main activity is the retail trade.

Started in 1995, the survey brings monthly results of the volume change and nominal sales revenue for the retail trade and extended retail trade, which includes cars and construction materials, with data for Brazil and Federation units. The results can be consulted on the Sidra Database.

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