Regional industry
Industrial output grows in 11 of 15 places surveyed in May
July 08, 2021 09h00 AM | Last Updated: July 08, 2021 03h16 PM
The growth of 1.4% in the industrial output between April and May was followed by 11 out of 15 places surveyed by the regional edition of the Monthly Industrial Survey (PIM Regional). The highest rises were registered in Goiás (4.8%) and Minas Gerais (4.6%), which offset the declines of 1.7% and 0.7% recorded in April, followed by Ceará (4.4%) and Rio de Janeiro (4.3%), which stepped up their advances of 3.0% and 1.6% in the previous month. These are some of the results that the IBGE releases today (8).
“The scenario of the industrial output changed in May, as it had been registering negative rates in the last three months and, in April, had 10 out of 15 places surveyed with negative figures. Such movement can be attributed to a bigger relaxation of the restriction measures due to the pandemic,” explains Bernardo Almeida, manager of the survey.
He reminds that, in the months preceding May, a number of places in Brazil stiffened measures of social distancing, due to new peaks in the number of cases of the disease. “As a result, industrial plants shut down and working hours changed, among other actions, directly affecting the production chain. This picture improved in May and the industry is resuming its activities,” points out Almeida.
The major positive influence on the national average of industry came from São Paulo, leveraged by the sectors of food and petroleum products, followed by Minas Gerais, also leveraged by the food production, but also by motor vehicles and basic metals. Rio de Janeiro, with the industries of petroleum products, mining and pharmaceuticals; Goiás, with food and petroleum products; and Ceará, with wearing apparel and food, as well as leather, travel articles and footwear, also stood out.
“On the other hand, the major negative impact came from Paraná, which, with the retreat of 1.4% in May, adds up to 3.6% of drop in two consecutive months of retraction. Yet, the highest percentage decline this month was in the Northeast Region (-2.8%), which recorded the sixth consecutive negative rate, accruing a reduction of 22.2% in this period,” adds Bernardo Almeida.
Rise in 12 places in relation to May 2020
Compared with May last year, the industry grew 24.0% in May 2021, with 12 out of 15 places posting positive rates. Amazonas (98.2%) and Ceará (81.1%) registered the most intense expansions, though Santa Catarina (38.7%), Espírito Santo (37.9%), Minas Gerais (32.3%), São Paulo (31.4%) and Rio Grande do Sul (29.3%) also stood out.
“Besides the fact that May 2021 (21 days) had one more business day than May 2020 (20), it should be highlighted that the high figures in that comparison are due, to a great extent, to a low comparison basis, since, in May 2020, the sector was affected by shut downs in a number of industrial plants, due to the pandemic,” reminds Almeida, adding that, in May 2020, the industry hit its second worst level in the entire time series of the survey, started in 2002 - losing only to April 2020.
In contrast, Bahia (-17.7%) registered the highest retreat in May 2021 over May 2020, pressed by the negative behavior coming from the activity of coke, petroleum products and biofuels. The other negative rates came from Mato Grosso (-2.2%) and Goiás (-0.3%).
More about the survey
Since the 1970s, PIM Regional produces short-term indicators related to the behavior of the real product of the mining and manufacturing industries. On a monthly basis, it brings indexes for 14 Federation Units, whose share is at least 1% of the national gross value added, as well as for the Northeast as a whole: Amazonas, Pará, Ceará, Pernambuco, Bahia, Minas Gerais, Espírito Santo, Rio de Janeiro, São Paulo, Paraná, Santa Catarina, Rio Grande do Sul, Mato Grosso, Goiás and the Northeast Region. Please take a look at the complete results at Sidra.